Tart raspberry panna cotta

15 March 2019

Tart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake RecipeTart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake Recipe

Fraîcheur, simplicité et gourmandise sont au rendez-vous avec ces petites tartelettes panna cotta framboise. Un design qui me plaît particulièrement avec le petit cube posé sur le fond de tartelette ronde. Les saveurs sont quant à elles simples et délicieuses, la framboise est mise en valeur et la petite touche de douceur est apportée par la panna cotta vanille et la crème d’amandes. Il n’y a que comme ça que je l’aime la tarte framboise: une pâte sucrée bien croustillante et friable, la crème d’amandes fondante, une pointe de confit, une pointe de crème (ici donc la panna cotta) et des framboises fraîches en conséquance.

Tart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake RecipeTart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake Recipe

J’ai utilisé encore une fois le superbe moule Pixcake to realize cubes vanilla panna cotta.


The recipe is for 6 tart raspberry panna cotta. mold Pixcake and circles tart 7 cm.


The recipe of tart raspberry panna cotta

Tart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake Recipe

ingredients 6 tart raspberry panna cotta

Sweet dough

  • 140g butter
  • 75g icing sugar
  • 2g de sel
  • 25g almond powder
  • 1 egg
  • 250g flour T55

Almond Cream

  • 50g soft butter
  • 50g sugar
  • 50g almond powder
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 5g flour

Panna cotta vanille

  • 125g cream
  • 15g sugar
  • 1/2 vanilla pod
  • 1 gelatin sheet (2g)

Candied raspberries

  • 100g raspberry puree
  • 10g sugar
  • 1 gelatin sheet (2g)

+ Fresh raspberries

+ velvety white spray of


Method tarts pannacotta raspberry

Sweet pastry and almond cream

To read: My article on the sinking techniques and cooking the sweet dough.

Work the softened butter with the icing sugar, add the almond powder, salt and the egg. Finally, incorporate the flour without overworking the dough. Movies a block in the fridge at least one night.

The next day, finely spread over 2mm and darken the circles tartlet 7 cm. Bake at 210 ° c, lowering the oven temperature to 175 ° c after 8-10 minutes and continue cooking until the funds start to color.

Remove from oven and make the almond cream: work the softened butter with the sugar, add the almond powder, salt, egg and then flour.

Fill tart funds precooked almond cream and put in oven, at 150 ° C for about 12 minutes.


The panna cotta vanille

Rehydrate the gelatin in cold water.

In a small saucepan, put the cream, vanilla beans as well as sugar and bring to a boil. Add gelatin off the heat and pour the panna cotta in Pix'moule until the second demarcation. Block in the freezer one hour.


The raspberry confit

Rehydrate the gelatin in cold water.

Heat the raspberry puree with the sugar and add the gelatine out of the fire. Pour the candied in pix'moule, over the panna cotta frozen and put it in the freezer for several hours.


Assembling the tart raspberry panna cotta

Turn cubes pannacotta / candied raspberries and place on a wire rack before covering the white velvet topping (to do outdoors, in the dishwasher or by protecting its work plan).

A l’aide d’un cure-dent et d’une petite spatule, déposer chaque cube sur les fonds de tartelettes et décorer le pourtour de framboises fraîches.

Tart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake RecipeTart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake Recipe

Laisser décongeler les tartelettes panna cotta framboise quelques heures au frigo avant dégustation.

good achievement!

Tart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake RecipeTart raspberry panna cotta & vanilla - Olivia tarnished x Pixcake Recipe

Toutes mes recettes avec Pixcake sont à retrouver ici! 🙂

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